Journal Entry #2 – A New Journey Begins…

Cards from the Spacious Tarot with kind permission from the deck creators.
Decanic Journey through the Minor Arcana.
I am starting out on a year-long journey through the Minor Arcana of the Tarot and that Journey starts today, 21st March 2022. This was inspired by the book 36 Faces by T. Susan Chang, and the wish to explore the magic the Minor Arcana have in store for me and how they are a guide in my everyday life.
The Journey starts with the 2 of Wands represented by the first decan of the Aries season. Looking at the 2 of Wands from the traditional Rider Wait Smith Tarot deck, I see this person looking out across the plains with a deeper knowing that the world is open and waiting with new adventures to be taken and inspiration to be explored.

clouring in deck
But I also see a person that has not (yet) felt the impulse to act and step over the threshold. A person, still very much in a comfortable space in life and perhaps not quite sure where to start or which direction to take. Even if the urge to do something different is calling the safety of the known might be favourable over the unknown. At least for now.
That is how I relate to the 2 of Wands in my life right now. A place and time to ponder possibilities and be challenged to overcome moments of doubt and the wish to stay in a safe place. It is also, a time to get clear on my intentions and feel into that spark of inspiration once more to start making it real.
The energies go deep and there is a big tug, a pull toward something different as the fiery season of Aries takes over, and soon, I know, I will take that step crossing the threshold and into the 3 of Wands as the adventure truly begins.
And now it seems I am ready to take at least this one small step forward and leave my comfort zone as the 2 of Wands starts feeling restrictive. So today I hit publish so you can follow along with my musings.
How do you see and experience the 2 of Wands?
Here are some prompts for you to explore if you wish…
- How does the image make you feel?
- What is calling you?
- And what do you need to prepare yourself to take that next step into a new adventure?
- Are you still playing it safe?
- Or are you ready to step into something new?
Here are some other interpretations of the 2 of Wands…

Would you like to join me?
If you too would like to explore the Minor Arcana of the Tarot (2-10 of all four suits) then I would love to welcome you into the Book Club I am hosting. To find out more about this adventure and join the fun come on over here…